What is it that we call Life?
Life is how we affect our surroundings and the way we go through time.
The question often comes to mind about the lives we live. Some people are more attentive to their actions as compared to others.
Two people moving through the same busy street always come across different things and see two different images of life happening.
Why is it so?
Have you ever wondered?
The thing is the lens is different, the eye that sees is different and the mind that thinks is different.
In a similar fashion, life is never the same for two different entities. People may seem the same outwards but on the inside, there is always a huge flow of information that is normally not organized.
Every one of us is always struggling with one thing or another or maybe with the same thing for a different purpose.
Even though the circumstances of life are varying, we all are marching towards our end. This worldly life is a test of its true essence. The importance of action lies entirely in its circumstance.
Silence can be more powerful in ways that no word can ever be impactful.
So, how one should live life and act?
For every process, steps must be taken in order to finish it. Similarly, life is lived one moment at a time. You see yourself as an adult or a grown person but the thing is you remain a kid at heart your whole life.
Kids learn one word at a time and practice understanding it perfectly. You as a person learn in the same way, people become good at something after doing the same thing repeatedly.
With every moment, there is a lot to take in.
You can either live a life of ignorance or a life of enlightenment. Ignorance is the darkness that dissolves your mind and knowledge is the divine light that paves your way.
The knowledge of the good and the bad, and after you know what’s what, whatever remains is the choice to either be good or stain your own soul.
What actually is life for you?
For some, it might be a loaf of bread and a good sleep. It is being kind to all living things for some. Fighting for the right cause can be life for a few. And for many, life can be just a foul play.
We all are created equal in unequal circumstances. You easily fall in error as it takes courage to fight your own self and be righteous.
Life is recognizing the limitation of your own self while imagining the immensity of it. Life is being good instead of the bad things you have done.
Life is being kind to others even though you never heard a word of kindness from someone. Life is a dune of sand where you build the castle of your dreams.
Life is a storm where a harbour is your own soul. Life is a difficulty where your own heart brings ease. Life is a trial that you must endure smilingly.
All our lives, we never imagine how hard it is for the people that live below the lines of poverty. People that have no idea about their next meal.
To live a life in this world, you need a warm heart that knows how it feels to lose and to sacrifice so that a human being can cherish life.
It is a little embarrassing that, after forty-five years of research and study, the best advice I can give to people is to be a little kinder to each other.
-Aldous Huxley
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